Monday, January 19, 2009

How often do we lie to others?

Most people lie to others once or twice a day and deceive about 30 people per week.
The average is 7 times per hour if you count all the times people lie to themselves.

We lie in 30 to 38% of all our interactions.
College students lie in 50% of conversations with their mothers.
- 10,000,000 people lie to the IRS each year.
- 80% of us lie on our resumes.
- 70% of all doctors lie to insurance companies.
- 100% of dating couples surveyed lied to each other in about a third of their conversations.
- 20% - 30% of middle managers surveyed had written fraudulent internal reports.
- 95% of participating college students surveyed were willing to tell at least one lie to a potential employer to win a job, and 41% had already done so.
We are lied to about 200 times each day.

"One recent study found that most people lie once or twice a day, and over the course of a week deceive about 30 of the people they interact with personally. The same study found that college students lie to their mothers in one out of every two conversations – dating couples lie to each other in about a third of their conversations. And there’s no reason to think lying is less common in business than in personal relationships. A consultant for some of America’s largest public corporations says his polls reveal that 20% - 30% of middle managers had written fraudulent internal reports. A recent survey found that more than 95% of participating college students were willing to tell at least one lie to a potential employer to win a job, and that 41% had already done so.
"In one experiment, the diaries kept showed that the student participants lied in 77 per cent of their conversations with strangers, 48 per cent with acquaintances and 28 per cent with good friends."
" By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell - and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed" - Adolph Hitler


Lying is a part of life. Each of us has told a lie or two. Unfortunately, some people do it more than others. And they don't just lie about little things, but about big things as well. Police and other law enforcement organizations have tried to find reliable scientific methods to detect liars. Here are some examples:

The Polygraph test

This machine was first developed by the police in the 1930s to try to detect if suspected criminals were lying. The process involved attaching tubes, cuffs and metal plates to the person's body to measure changes in respiration and blood pressure. And though some expertshave suggested that polygraphs today have an accuracy of at least 96 percent, others suggest that the nervousness and fear that a person experiences when hooked up to the machine produce sympthoms similar to those of lying. Those people consider the results of the polygraph test to be unreliable.

Thermal imaging

Thermal imaging technology is based on the concept that, when a person is lying, blood flow increases around the eyes. First developed to identify terrorists at airports, the accuracy of the machine has been brought into question, since flying can make many people nervous and produce physical sumpthoms similar to those of lying.

Brain fingerprinting

Another recent lie - detecting tehnology, brain fingerprinting, involves putting a helmet with various electodes on a person's head to measure certian brain waves that show whether an alleged criminal is familiar with certain object, like a gun used in a robbery. This tehnology, however, cannot distinguish between the criminal and someone who just observed the crime taking place.

Lies Men Tell - 3 Common Lies Men Tell Their Partners

Lies Men Tell - 3 Common Lies Men Tell Their Partners

Lies Men Tell - 3 Common Lies Men Tell Their Partners
By Michael Lee

It's a fact that men tell lies, whether it's to hide something from you or to keep you in a good mood. You might wonder whether you're better off not knowing the lies men tell, but here's the thing - no relationship can survive with only a string of lies supporting it.

The sooner you read this article, the sooner you can fix whatever it is that's keeping you two from having an honest and open relationship.

1) What he thinks about your friends.

No matter how much your man loves you, that doesn't automatically mean he likes your friends. In fact, I happen to know a lot of people who actually don't like their girl's friends a lot. This is actually one of the more common lies men tell their partners.

The reason behind this is that they don't want trouble. You probably won't know about it until he really can't stand them anymore.

2) How he is faring at work.

One of the lies men tell their girlfriend or wife is usually about work. When things are going well, he'll certainly tell you how much work he's put into a project.

However, when the office situation is less than well, don't expect him to give you a detailed report. He'll probably say something general to keep you from worrying. Other men don't like admitting they're in a tough spot simply because their ego won't let them.

3) What he thinks about your outfit.

Some guys lie to keep their partners happy. When you ask whether he likes your outfit or not, chances are he'll say it looks great on you.

Girls can be sensitive to these kinds of issues and guys know that. So even if you're wearing a hideous outfit, he'll be more likely to grin and bear it.

The lies men tell can be very different from each other. Some lies are told in order to hide a secret. Others exist because they serve to keep the women happy. Whatever the reason is, you have to be strong enough to face the situation and work on your relationship one step at a time.

Discover how to detect lies, and easily persuade anyone to do anything you want using ethical mind control techniques. Grab your FREE course that reveals groundbreaking persuasion secrets at

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Dog Bites: Lies You Hear Before Getting Bitten By A Dog

Dog Bites: Lies You Hear Before Getting Bitten By A Dog

By T. Peterson

As an injury attorney who has handled many dog bite claims in Oregon and Washington State, I have heard a lot of stories that would be funny if they were not so tragic. On several occasions, dog bite victims have told me that the owner has said, “Don’t worry, the dog won’t bite” right before they got bitten. On one occasion, the owner went so far as to coax the victim into petting the dog to “prove that this kind of dog is gentle.” Unfortunately, dogs are just doing what they think they are supposed to do, which is protecting their owners. Also unfortunately, dog owners do not know what is going on in their pets’ heads, and even if the dog has never bitten anyone, this does not mean they won’t suddenly bite. Owners are often even in denial that their dog is a biter even after it has demonstrated aggressive behavior such as nipping, barking and chasing or even biting. Their dog gives them unconditional love and they want to return the favor. Like parents of young children they can’t believe THEIR dog would ever do anything to hurt anyone. If you watch the show Animal Cops on the Discovery Channel you can sometimes see owners in court denying their dog has done anything wrong even after a vicious attack that landed someone in a hospital.

Dog Bites are Becoming More of a Problem

Dog bites have a documented 37% increase in medically treated cases between 1986 and 1994. This is the case even though the dog population has risen by less than 2%. Such data indicates that dog bites are becoming more prevalent. In fact, dog bites are an increasing serious problem in the U.S.

Dog bites are the most frequent type of animal attack. They are a common reason for a trip to the emergency room, and are a common form of injury for both children and adults, although the number of recorded dog bites is greater in children. Statistically, one in two hundred twenty-two people are affected by dog bites, as opposed to one in every eighty-three children between five and nine. Dog bites are the second most common cause of injury in young children, topping the number of injuries incurred on the playground. Dog bites most frequently occur when the animal is provoked, regardless of whether it’s purposeful or not. This can happen, for instance, when people are playing with dogs or when dogs are scared for some reason.

Dog Bite Injuries and Children

In addition to causing soft-tissue injuries, often to the face, dog bites are frightening and traumatic experiences that frequently have long-lasting effects for those involved. They are considered contaminated wounds, and therefore require surgical intervention, if it’s necessary, as soon as possible after the incident. Although dog bites are indeed an increasing problem, they are largely preventable. It’s very important that children and their parents learn how to lower their risk of being dog bite victims. The matter of dog bites should be discussed with the child’s physician during routine checkups.


So next time you or your child considers petting a strange dog, think twice, even if the owner encourages you to do so.

About the Author: Click here to find out how an Oregon Dog Bite Lawyer can protect your rights if you were bitten by a dog in Oregon or Washington State.


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Why people are lying?

People are all lying. Lying is one of the most common things done by individuals in societu. But where does lying come from and why do we do it? There are so many reasons to lie: some people lie for the money, some to escape embarrassment, some for a good laugh,...
Many times individuals lie to escape punishment. If a child knows that he's done something wrong and is afraid he is going to get punished for it, the natural reaction of a human is to lie to prevent it. However, many times that just makes it worse, and so in some cases people know to tell the truth up front to avoid getting caught in a lie later. On the other hand, those that do tell a lie are simply doing so as a risk to avoid punishment.
Somethimes individuals lie because they don't know the truth. Perhaps the person is taught something, and it is passed on to the next. It may be a lie, but the person slill believes it. So if they really believe it then are they lying? They aren't lying intentionally, but are still doing so because of of not telling the truth. With this form of lying, the reason why people do this is mainlu because of blind believing or fear. Many times it can be just as problematic as to that which is done for deceptive gain.
Those are the main reasons why people lie. Is there a way to stop people from lying? Are all of them bad? Well, that depends on whom you ask. Whether it is a good or bad, can or cannot be prevented, the main reasons are revealed.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mountain trip

This is a story about a friend who was caught lieing by her parents. This story dates from our high school days when everybody lies occasionally. What made my girlfriend lie was her intentions to organize a party on the same day when her parents were leaving on a road trip. She was invited by her parents to go on this road trip as well. To avoid traveling with them and organizing her party she made up a story of a school trip to a near by mountain on that day. Her parents believed about this school trip so they gave her certain amount of money apparently for the trip but planned for the booze. So she came along with some other friends at my place early in the morning on that day ready to go along with the plan. Every hour she was calling up her parents, while we were making cracking noises in the background, to find out when they're leaving. Because this happend in winter time outside was snowing a lot and most of the roads were trackless her parents were unabled to leave. They started doubting how we reached on the top of the mountain. Her mom started calling up all of her friends to confirm her daughter's story. Her doubt was encreasing because everybody told her that for some reason they stayed at home. This was the moment of truth when she picked up her cellphone and was told to get back home immediately from wherever she was hiding and was grounded four weeks for this. During her four weeks ban she read a lot of books and learned how horrible is to lie.