Saturday, January 17, 2009

Internet Marketing Hype And Lies

Internet Marketing Hype And Lies

By Guido Nussbaum

"Make $10.000 a month"... "Earn $5000 monthly within 30 days"... we all see these headlines at least once a day while surfing the net. All of us were beginners at some point in our marketing career and most of us took one or more of these Super Offers. If you have been there, then you know what I am talking about... if not, then read this article and save tons of cash.

As a newbie in internet marketing you need to get that thought "I can make some fast cash online" out of your head as fast as possible. It's the cold hard truth that making money on the internet is not easy. If you are just starting out with no or just little investment capital and small knowledge about this biz, then be aware that you will most likely fail with your first projects. That's just life... learn from it and become better. Those that don't give up after failing will eventually be the next big names of internet marketing.

It's all about learning, testing, tracking and coming up with the right idea at the right time. You cannot simply pull up a website, put some ads on it and start to make a full-time income... that just won't happen. You need to develop a real business plan first... after you spotted your high demand niche. You need to create a product line, your sales funnel and most importantly a system that automates most of your tasks.

Treat your online business like a real business. An 8 hour day is nothing for a self-employed business man, most of them work 12 and more hours every day (or they did this in the past to get where they are). Forget about the idea of becoming rich quick, it won't happen. Concentrate on building a solid business plan and putting that plan into reality, step by step.

Testing and tracking is the most overlooked tasks by newbies. Many people make the mistake to pull up a website that sells affiliate products... they test nothing. Then if they make no sales they turn away and try a different way to make money... they'll end up with nothing. That's why you need to start tracking everything... you need to find out what works and what does not work.

It all starts with your Squeeze Page / Opt-In Page, the front-end of your sales funnel. You test and track different Squeeze Pages and different elements on these Squeeze Pages to get the maximum number of signups out of your visitors. Once this task is mastered you test and improve your One-Time-Offer that you place in front of your signups after they have confirmed to opt-in to you list. The conversion rates of one-time-offers can vary a lot... some marketers claim to get as much as 50% of their subscribers to buy the OTO. You can aim for a 3% or 5% when you start out, that's good enough for the beginning.

You basically continue with testing and tracking the various elements of your sales funnel until you know that your system is as profitable as it can get. Once this is mastered you can start to send traffic to your front-end of the sales funnel and rank in the profits.

About the Author: Guido Nussbaum is an internet marketing expert and owner orf different websites. His New Year's Giveaway website provides you with free ebooks and software that you can use to build huge lists just like him.


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