Monday, January 19, 2009

Why people are lying?

People are all lying. Lying is one of the most common things done by individuals in societu. But where does lying come from and why do we do it? There are so many reasons to lie: some people lie for the money, some to escape embarrassment, some for a good laugh,...
Many times individuals lie to escape punishment. If a child knows that he's done something wrong and is afraid he is going to get punished for it, the natural reaction of a human is to lie to prevent it. However, many times that just makes it worse, and so in some cases people know to tell the truth up front to avoid getting caught in a lie later. On the other hand, those that do tell a lie are simply doing so as a risk to avoid punishment.
Somethimes individuals lie because they don't know the truth. Perhaps the person is taught something, and it is passed on to the next. It may be a lie, but the person slill believes it. So if they really believe it then are they lying? They aren't lying intentionally, but are still doing so because of of not telling the truth. With this form of lying, the reason why people do this is mainlu because of blind believing or fear. Many times it can be just as problematic as to that which is done for deceptive gain.
Those are the main reasons why people lie. Is there a way to stop people from lying? Are all of them bad? Well, that depends on whom you ask. Whether it is a good or bad, can or cannot be prevented, the main reasons are revealed.

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